Token Management

1. Token Mint, Revoke and Immutable

  1. Connect your Solana wallet

  2. Select Token from your wallet

  3. * To mint more, you should use the wallet that created the Token (Authority)

  4. Enter the amount you want to mint

  5. Click on Revoke Mint or Revoke Freeze

  6. Click on Accept and confirm the Transaction

  7. Wait a moment to complete

2. Update Token Metadata

  1. Connect your Solana wallet

  2. Select Token from your wallet

  3. * To update metadata you should use the wallet that created the Token (Authority)

  4. Enter new information for your Token including: Name, symbol, description, Social

  5. Choose if you want to make it immutable or revoke any permissions: Revoke Mint; Revoke Freeze; Immutable

  6. Click Update Token and confirm the transaction

  7. Wait a moment for the update

3. Burn SPL Token

  1. Connect your Solana wallet

  2. Select the Token from your wallet

  3. Enter the amount of SPL tokens you want to burn

  4. Accept the Transaction

  5. Wait a second

4. Multisender

  1. Connect your Solana wallet

  2. Select the token you want to airdrop

  3. Introduce the token quantity each wallet will receive

  4. Write the list of addresses

  5. Verify all the information is correct

  6. Click on start airdrop and accept the transaction

  7. Wait until your airdrop has finished!

Last updated